Don't let hearing loss stand in the way of that work promotion or pay raise. Take control today.

Did you know?

  • Untreated hearing loss can decrease a person’s earning potential by as much as $30,000 per year.

  • Studies have shown that the use of hearing aids reduces the risk of income loss by as much as 90 percent for those with mild hearing loss and by as much as 77 percent for those with severe to moderate hearing loss.

At Johnson Audiology, it is our goal to get you back to hearing the sounds of life. Whether it's being an active participant in a brainstorming session at your job, noting important instructions about your company's new project, hearing your boss in a noisy factory, or answering the questions of a potential client, hearing clearly affects your work life and career.


Worried about stigma surrounding hearing aids? DON'T! Today's state-of-the-art hearing technology is sleek, inconspicuous, and powerful. Plus, everyone is wearing something on their ears these days. And, hey, what stands out more: someone's sophisticated hearing devices or that same person responding incorrectly during a conversation because listening and understanding is difficult with hearing loss?

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Join the thousands of happy patients we’ve helped regain a better quality of life.

We put your hearing first.

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