Hearing aids are an investment you make in your quality of life. Proper maintenance and care are the best way to ensure that your hearing aids will perform their best and last as long as possible. The best thing you can do to keep your hearing aids functioning well is to clean them regularly at the end of each day and after each use
A clean, dry, low-lint cloth is the best way to clean your hearing aids. Cleanings will reduce the amount of wax buildup that can edn up in your hearing aids microphones, in and under your hearing aids domes and wax traps and even inside the battery compartment if you use disposable batteries.
Usually, a little regular maintenance will go a long way in keeping your hearing aids functioning as they should. If you notice problems with them and are unable to resolve them yourself, call Johnson Audiology. We will examine, identify, and resolve your issue so that you can get back to hearing the world around you.
If you are properly maintaining your hearing aids daily and still notice issues with them, there are some steps you can try on your own before bringing them to us for repair.
Watch the short clips below to learn more about how to change a battery, how to change wax traps and domes, and find out about recharging stations.
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