HearVu: A New Tool for Understanding Hearing Loss
November 16, 2021

HearVu: A New Tool for Understanding Hearing Loss

“When I first meet a new patient, I spend time getting to know them and drawing out how they would answer this question: Is hearing optional or a necessity?” said Dr. Megan Johnson, audiologist and owner of Johnson Audiology. “That gives me insight into how ready the person is to embrace that they have hearing loss and begin the journey to healthy hearing. Over the course of my 18-year career as an audiologist, I’ve learned that those who are primed and ready to address their hearing loss are the ones who will be the most successful with hearing aids.”

How important is your hearing?

Humans have five basic senses: sight, hearing, touch, smell, and taste. Eyesight provides the most information to the brain at roughly 10 million bits per second, which is similar to an Ethernet connection. The second most information-rich sense is hearing, with your ears not only in charge of transmitting sounds to the brain but also in controlling your body’s balance and equilibrium. Notably, your vision and hearing work closely together, allowing you to target where sounds are coming from; therefore, both those senses need to be in good working order.

With vision problems, most people quickly address the health issue and get glasses. “By contrast, people wait up to 10 years from the time they first notice hearing loss,” Dr. Johnson said. “I encourage people to begin assigning hearing its proper place of importance. Addressing hearing loss should be a health necessity, not something you finally seek help for when the loss is severe.”

Here are some good reasons why hearing should be a health priority.

Healthy hearing can keep your brain active and functioning

You know the adage “use it or lose it” applied to keeping your heart and muscles healthy. The same applies to your brain. Hearing is a function of your ears and your brain working together to process sound. Failing to treat hearing loss results in auditory deprivation. Over time, the parts of your brain responsible for hearing can shrink—or atrophy—from lack of use. This tissue loss changes your brain’s structure and puts a person at higher risk for dementia-related disorders like Alzheimer’s. Over the course of a 12-year study, Johns Hopkins’ researchers tracked 639 people and found that mild hearing loss doubled dementia risk. Moderate loss tripled risk, and people with a severe hearing impairment were five times more likely to develop dementia.

Healthy hearing can lead to more career opportunities

Various studies over many years have shown that severe to profound hearing loss has a tremendous impact on a person’s education and employment success. Why? Hearing well in an educational or work setting makes it possible to detect and recognize meaningful sounds around you, to identify the source and location of a sound, and, most important, to understand spoken language. For example, in a large work meeting, a person with hearing loss may struggle to hear instructions or to be a part of the dialog. They may miss out on being a part of the exchange of ideas and problem solving that is occurring, putting them at a disadvantage compared to workmates with typical hearing. This can translate into lower wages and less advancement potential. Statistically, a person with untreated hearing loss makes 25% less than a person without hearing loss. Here is the good news: treating hearing loss by wearing hearing aids and using other assistive devices can reverse those negative impacts, reducing the risk of income loss by up to 100% for those with milder hearing loss and up to 77% for those with moderate to severe hearing loss.

Healthy hearing can mean greater physical safety

In a very practical way, healthy hearing can mean greater physical safety as a person who hears well will respond appropriately when they hear, for example, a car beeping a warning in traffic, an ambulance approaching across a busy city street or a fire alarm sounding.

Additionally, since balance and equilibrium are controlled by your inner ear, hearing impairment upsets the normal workings of that body system. A person with even mild hearing loss is three times more likely to have a history of falling than someone who has addressed hearing loss. Falls can have a domino effect, leading to hospitalizations, stays in a short- or long-term care facility and a potential loss of independence. 

Healthy hearing can mean more energy

When a person struggles to hear, the brain is taxed. The term listening fatigue has been coined to describe the process. Imagine this example: A person with hearing loss is at a large family gathering. The intense concentration needed to decipher many voices and noises coming from different directions is mentally exhausting. Rather than leaving the party refreshed and uplifted from the time spent with loved ones, a person feels as if he or she has run a marathon. 

Healthy hearing can keep you connected and mentally thriving

Humans are social beings, and most people are happiest when they are communicating and connected with others. Hearing loss, on the other hand, can lead to social isolation as the listening fatigue mentioned earlier begins to affect the person’s willingness to continually struggle to hear conversation. As the isolation mounts, studies have shown that adults 50 and older with untreated hearing loss are more likely to report depression, anxiety, anger, frustration, and paranoia compared to those with typical hearing or those who wear hearing aids.

A new tool benefitting Johnson Audiology patients and family members

Dr. Johnson also mentioned a second question she asks new patients: Do you have a strong support system? “I’ve learned that a patient’s success drastically improves when a strong circle of friends, family and/or workmates are aware of the person’s hearing loss and are motivated to offer understanding and encouragement as the person adjusts to their new hearing aids,” she said. With this in mind, Dr. Johnson recently invested in a new technology tool for the practice that helps patients better understand their own hearing loss and gives family members and friends the chance to hear for themselves what their loved one’s hearing loss sounds like. Called HearVu, this groundbreaking, tablet-based software program allows Dr. Johnson to interactively plot a person’s hearing loss on a digital display. Dr. Johnson said, “In the past, we have always shown patients and family members the hearing test results, called an audiogram, on paper. It was a static representation of the patient’s hearing loss. HearVu really brings an audiogram to life in the way a paper audiogram doesn’t.” The software also contains video animations of the ear so Dr. Johnson can visually explain how sound travels through the ear and how damage to the ear’s structure can lead to hearing loss. One of the most exciting components of HearVu is a program that takes a person’s individual hearing test results and presents spoken sentences that mimic what speech sounds like for that person. “It can be eye and ear opening for a family member who never fully grasped how much their loved one was struggling to hear,” she said. The experience helps the person with hearing loss feel validated for seeking help and builds empathy from family members to be supportive. “It’s one more way to help people understand that hearing is a necessity not optional,” she concluded. 

Take the next step

Take the next step to healthy hearing for you or a loved by calling Johnson Audiology today to make an appointment for a diagnostic hearing exam and ask your audiologist to use the HearVu program to better explain your hearing loss. Hearing well makes life better in far-reaching ways so vow now to make it a necessity rather than an option.


March 6, 2025
Chipper Gocke, 28, has had many poignant moments in the last six weeks since his cochlear implant surgery. “A workmate commented recently that my speaking voice is the appropriate volume now. Not being able to hear myself, I probably often talked too loud before. It seems like a small thing, but it is a way to be more normalized in my professional and other settings.” His mother, Amy Gocke, also has noticed the changes. “Chipper has never called me on the phone before. With his profound lifelong hearing loss and even using powerful hearing aids, he simply couldn’t communicate by phone. Now I look forward to his calls every day after he gets off work.” These daily experiences that people often take for granted—communicating with a workmate or calling a family member to say hello—are now possible for Chipper because of his cochlear implant. Hearing loss has been a part of Chipper’s life since he was a small child. Chipper’s father, Ted Gocke, relates, “From the time he was 18 months old, Chipper had ear infections that had us in and out of the hospital. That led to tubes in his ears and the diagnosis that he had a significant hearing loss.” As a youngster, Chipper received early intervention services before he even reached school age. He also got established with local audiologist, Darnell Scafe, and they reconnected recently when Chipper sought out Darnell for hearing health care services as an adult. Darnell, who joined the Johnson Audiology team in 2018, says, “I remember Chipper as a sweet little boy who didn’t let his hearing loss slow him down. It’s wonderful to get to know the fine, capable young man he has grown into.” Last year, Darnell encouraged Chipper to consider a cochlear implant, and she referred him to Johnson Audiology’s Cochlear Implant Program Director, Dr. Hannah Dearth. Dr. Dearth then was able to complete cochlear implant candidacy testing. In November of last year, Chipper’s surgery was performed at Murfreesboro Medical Clinic (MMC) in Middle Tennessee by an otolaryngologist (ENT). A native of Chattanooga, Chipper traveled for the initial surgery since there is not currently an ENT in Chattanooga who performs CI surgeries. However, Chipper then had his cochlear implant activated at Johnson Audiology (JA) by Dr. Dearth in early January. Also, there to celebrate activation day was Darnell. “It felt like a full circle moment when Dr. Dearth activated Chipper’s cochlear implant, and he began to have those first sound perceptions.” Dr. Dearth explains, “People often wonder how a hearing aid and a cochlear implant are different. Cochlear implants are designed for patients whose hearing aids are no longer assisting them in understanding in both quiet and noisy environments. A hearing aid is designed to provide amplification for speech sounds that are unintelligible without said amplification. Cochlear implants are a surgical option for those who are no longer able to achieve meaningful understanding with a traditional hearing aid. Hearing aids rely on the ear’s natural pathway for hearing to accomplish this and so may not work well for someone with severe damage to the inner ear. A cochlear implant, on the other hand, bypasses the damaged parts of the ear by stimulating the auditory nerve directly with a mild electrical current that sends the sound signal to the brain.” Chipper is committed to his own success with his cochlear implant and in addition to listening to the speech of those around him, he is also tuning in to podcasts and audiobooks that give him even more speech exposure. Dr. Dearth says that is a huge factor in any patient’s ability to thrive with the device. “The patients who are committed to the aural rehabilitation as prescribed experience faster progress and higher success rates long term.” Chipper will continue regular follow-up appointments for the rest of his life to maintain successful progress with his CI. He gets emotional talking about the social isolation that can be a common side effect of profound hearing loss and, also, mentions the spatial awareness that better hearing offers. “Being able to pinpoint sound and localize stimuli from both sides of the head has positive effects for living a safe life,” Dr. Dearth says. Dr. Megan Johnson, audiologist, founder, and owner of JA, says, “Johnson Audiology has provided support for cochlear implant patients since 2017 with care offered through the practice’s location on Lee Highway in the East Brainerd area. After implantation, every other part of a CI patient’s hearing journey can be accomplished at Johnson Audiology—from initial activation to routine mapping.”  Chipper and his parents encourage people to explore the possibility of cochlear implants since it can make such a difference in a person’s daily life and function. Johnson Audiology is accepting new patients who currently wear hearing aids but would like to pursue cochlear implant candidacy as well as those who already have a cochlear implant. Call Johnson Audiology at 423.556.7185 or visit www.johnsonaudiology.com/schedule for more information or to schedule an appointment.
By Jan Hollingsworth May 16, 2024
Research reveals that hearing loss actually rewires your neural pathways Your Amazing Brain Your brain is an amazing organ! This wrinkly, reddish-pink mass weighs about the same as your two-slice toaster, tipping the scales at about three pounds. Acting as a master control center, your brain enables every thought, breath, eye blink, heartbeat, movement—everything—that happens in your body. Rivaling the world’s most powerful supercomputer, your brain can download, process, and react in milliseconds to the tidal wave of information coming from your eyes, skin, nose, tongue, and ears. Neuroplasticity and Your Sense of Hearing Researchers have discovered that the human nervous system—made up of the brain, spinal cord, and a complex network of nerves—has incredible capacity to modify itself, both in function and physical structure. This is called neural plasticity . Dr. Megan Johnson, audiologist and owner of Johnson Audiology explains, “Neural plasticity is going gangbusters in a child’s brain as the child develops and matures into adulthood. Based on years of brain research, we also know that the adult brain is far from being fixed. It, too, changes and adapts when you learn new information or skills or as a response to stress, hormonal fluctuations, drug interactions, injury, and much more.” Dr. Johnson also relates that “your brain displays neuroplasticity when you experience hearing loss.” By measuring brain waves using an electroencephalograph, or EEG, scientists have studied how the brain of a person with hearing loss functions compared to a person with normal hearing. The results are both fascinating and sobering as studies reveal that, in those with hearing loss, the portion of the brain devoted to hearing becomes reorganized. This can be true even with early-stage, mild hearing loss, and the process happens quickly, often in months rather than years. The Hearing Center of Your Brain and Beyond What is actually happening when this takes place? Your brain has a right and a left hemisphere and six major lobes. Think of your frontal lobe as your brain’s boss, where executive functions like decision making, emotion and impulse control, and planning occur. Your temporal lobe, which contains the auditory cortex, is doing the heavy lifting when it comes to interpreting sounds and assigning those sounds meaning. The temporal lobe processes speech and language, and it is where initial learning of new information takes place, which is the first step for logging that information into memory. Dr. Johnson goes on to relate, “When the delicate infrastructure of your ear has become damaged through noise exposure, infection, etc. leading to hearing loss, your auditory cortex cries out to your frontal lobe, saying ‘Help! Help! I’m not receiving any sound to process, so I feel lost.’ The frontal lobe ‘boss’ jumps to attention, and your occipital lobe, responsible for processing vision and touch, takes over the areas in which hearing is normally processed. In other words, your other senses seek to compensate for the deficit due to the loss of your sense of hearing.” Amazing, right? So, where’s the rub? Picture a car assembly line; each worker has an assigned task. One day, the worker who installs the windshields is absent, and the worker who attaches the rearview mirrors is assigned double duty, and a duty that was not part of job training. It is easy to see how the worker left juggling both jobs is compromised, and a car might slip through minus a rear view mirror. Similarly, the areas of your brain that are being taxed to make up for a lack of hearing are overloaded and less able to do their assigned responsibilities. “This explains why so many of my patients with hearing loss relate feeling exhausted and frustrated after a big family gathering—where multiple talkers and sounds must be interpreted—rather than happy and invigorated by the experience. We call this listening fatigue ,” states Dr. Johnson. Additionally, when left untreated long enough, researchers point to the brain’s reorganization due to hearing loss as a significant correlation with dementia. Hearing Technology and Your Brain “But here's the great news!” Dr. Johnson says. When a person is fit with hearing aids or a cochlear implant and sound is restored, the brain has the ability to adjust back—partially or completely—to proper function. How swiftly that happens often depends on how long the hearing loss went untreated and is why she encourages patients to treat hearing loss sooner rather than later. “Here is what I tell patients who are downplaying the importance of hearing: If you won’t treat your hearing loss for the sake of your ears, do it for your brain!”
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